Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm writing this to let you know how grateful I am for all your support for this endeavor I'm about to embark on. The PCT is everything to me right now, it is my personal Olympics. I don't have the talent to compete in the real Olympics and I'm not young enough to even try. But the trail is just tough enough that I have to put training and tenacity into completing a thru hike - in my mind and for my level of fitness, it will be my Olympic moment when I receive my completion medal.
I know you are scared for me Mom, I hear it in your voice when we talk on the phone and you try to bite your tongue so you don't tell me for the 15th time how you would like it better if I would section hike the PCT over the years, or that you would prefer it if I didn't go at all. You don't need to hold back, I'm mature enough to handle your fears for me. Despite your misgivings though, you remain enthusiastic when I talk about the trail, you ask questions, and I know you are proud of me for my commitment to this quest over the years. Some parents won't talk to their children about the trail because they are too scared. Thank you for not being one of those.

Dad, you too share my enthusiasm for the trail and my blog. Even though I have started the trail twice and didn't finish, that doesn't matter at all to you. You are still supportive for this trip, as if it were my first attempt. I am thankful I can use the internet to keep you informed along the way, it is fun for me too.
Please remember that you both have good friends who will support you when you are fearful or have doubts. Use them, they are here for you for such a time as this. Lean on them when you are afraid and share with them when you are proud of me. They have told me that they will be there for you both.
Throughout the years you raised me, the love of travel was a common thread. The many trips around the United States we took instilled in me the craving for more travel and adventure. You also raised me to be independent and self sufficient. You did good on all accounts. That is partially why I must do this hike. Adventure and travel call to me once again.
Throughout the years you raised me, the love of travel was a common thread. The many trips around the United States we took instilled in me the craving for more travel and adventure. You also raised me to be independent and self sufficient. You did good on all accounts. That is partially why I must do this hike. Adventure and travel call to me once again.
You mean the world to me and I wouldn't put you through this if hiking the PCT wasn't the one thing in the world I need to do now. I was born for this time, 52 years ago today. I will promise you that when I come back, I will never again attempt a thru hike. If I don't make it now, I will consider doing sections until I finish. It is hard to describe how much different a thru hike is than a section hike, the camaraderie is so much different, the inside jokes that happen over many weeks and months, the talking in the evening at camp for many, many nights. You can't get the same experience any other way than to be a thru hiker. As much as I love trail angeling, I still feel a bit of an outsider with the thru hikers and it doesn't totally satisfy the cravings for more.
I am only days away from starting, I will call you when I get into layover day towns, and Mark will also keep you informed the rest of the time. As I walk, I will remember that you ultimately taught me to walk and to tie my shoes. That was good practice for this hike, if you hadn't taught me that, I wouldn't get very far down the trail!
Thank you for all your love and support,
Love Always,
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